INTRODUCTION Clarendon Home Care is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards and ensuring that modern slavery and human trafficking do not exist within our business or supply chain. We are dedicated to operating with integrity and transparency in all business dealings. This policy outlines our commitment to preventing and addressing modern slavery, in line with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
APPROACH We recognize the challenges in identifying victims of modern slavery and the potential for exploitation within complex supply chains. Clarendon Home Care is committed to conducting thorough due diligence, ensuring that workers are treated fairly, and adhering to all relevant employment, health, and safety regulations.
REPORTING CONCERNS We encourage a culture of openness and support. If you suspect or witness any form of modern slavery, please report it immediately to your line manager or designated contact. You can also contact the Modern Slavery Helpline on 0800 0121 700.
SUPPLIER STANDARDS Clarendon Home Care expects the same high standards from our suppliers. We require suppliers to confirm compliance with relevant legislation, including the Modern Slavery Act, and we may terminate business relationships with those who fail to meet these standards.
TRAINING AND AWARENESS Regular training will be provided to all relevant staff to enhance their understanding of modern slavery, how to identify potential victims, and reporting procedures.
SUPPORTING POLICIES This policy is supported by our existing:
Recruitment Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
POLICY REVIEW Any breach of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. By adhering to this policy, Clarendon Home Care demonstrates its commitment to a fair and ethical business environment.